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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Accessible Interactive Fiction stories that teach critical skills for students with ASD, funded through federal and state grants.


Summer Job Story (ASD)

Created under a NIDILRR SBIR Phase 1 grant, Summer Job Story is an animated Accessible Interactive Fiction (AIF) story game where transition-age students practice targeted workplace readiness skills.

An AIF story is a computer-mediated accessible animated narrative, resembling a fine-grained "Choose Your Own Adventure" story, in which the player’s choices determine the outcome of the story. At each point in the story, the player is given a set of choices, and must select one.  The story proceeds based on that selection, and the player is given another set of choices.


Summer Job Story helps prepare an ASD student to obtain and maintain a summer job.  Summer employment has been shown to help a student’s full-time employability after high school. 


Some ASD students who are struggling readers may benefit from BuddyBooks.

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